
Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Everything you Need To Know About MW3

Primary weapons:

Assault Rifles:

  • M4A1
  • M16A4
  • SCAR-L
  • CM901
  • Type 95
  • G36C
  • ACR 6.8
  • MK14
  • AK-47
  • FAD
  • Famas (single player)

Submachine Guns:

  • UMP45
  • MP5
  • PP90M1
  • P90
  • PM-9
  • MP7
  • MP5K
  • AK-74u
  • Vector (single player)


  • USAS 12
  • KSG 12
  • SPAS 12
  • AA-12
  • Striker
  • Model 1887

Sniper Rifles:

  • Barret .50cal
  • L118A
  • Dragunov
  • AS50
  • MSR

Lightmachine Guns:

  • L86 LSW
  • MG36
  • PKP Pecheneg
  • MK46
  • M60E4
  • RPD
  • M240


Riot shield

Secondary weapons:


  • USP .45
  • P99
  • MP412
  • .44 Magnum
  • Five Seven
  • Desert Eagle

Machine Pistols:

  • FMG9
  • MP9
  • Skorpion
  • G18


  • SMAW
  • FIM-92 Stinger
  • Javelin
  • XM25
  • M320 GLM
  • RPG-7
  • AT4


Leathal Grenades:

  • Fragmention grenade
  • Smetex
  • Throving Knife
  • Bouncing Betty
  • Claymore
  • C4


  • Flash Grenade
  • Concussion Grenade
  • Scrambler
  • EMP Grenade
  • Smoke Grenade
  • Trophy System
  • Tactical Insertion
  • Portable Radar


Tier 1:

Recon: Makes explosive damage paint the target on the mini-map.
Recon PRO: Makes bullet damage paint the target on the mini-map.

Sleight of Hand: Decreases the reload time for all weapons by 50%.
Sleight of Hand PRO: Switch weapons faster.

Blind Eye: Undetectable by air support and sentries.
Blind Eye PRO: Launchers lock-on quicker and extra bullet damage versus air support and sentries.

Scaveger:  Replenishes grenades and ammo from fallen ones, also grenade launcher ammo if the  dead had one.
Scavenger PRO: Unkonown.

Extreme Conditioning: Longer sprint time.
Extreme Conditioning PRO: Climb objectives faster.

 Tier 2:

Quickdraw: Aim down sights (ADS) faster.
Quickdraw PRO: Recover from equipment and grenade usage quicker.

Blast Shield: Increased explosive resistance.
Blast Shield PRO: Resistance to flash and stun.

Assassin: Undetectable by UAV, portable radar, thermal, and heartbeat sensors.
Assassin PRO: Immune to CUAV and EMP. No red crosshair or name when targeted.

Overkill: Carry two primary weapons.
Overkill PRO: Allows attachment(s) on both weapons.

Hardline: Each Strike Chain require one less point.
Hardline PRO: Every two assist counts as a kill towards your killstreak, deathstreaks require one less kill.

Tier 3:

Marksman: Identifies enemy targets at a longer range by showing their player names at a greater distance.
Marksman PRO: Longer hold breath.

Stalker:  Faster movement speed while aiming down the sights.
Stalker PRO: Delay enemy Claymore explosions.

SitRep: Detect enemy explosives and tactical insertions.
SitRep PRO: Louder enemy footsteps.

Steady Aim: Increased hip fire accuracy.
Steady Aim PRO: Weapon is ready faster after sprinting.

Dead Silence: You make no sound.
Dead Silence PRO: No falling damage.

Weapon Proficiency:

Weapon Proficiency is a type of weapon customization. Getting kills with weapons levels them up, giving them upgrades. The player can only equip one Weapon Proficiency at a time and are not applied to secondaries.



Weapon type

KickReduced recoil.All weapons.
RangeIncreased range.All weapons excluding Sniper Rifles and Lightmachine Guns
AttachmentsEquip two attachments to the same weapon.All weapons.
FocusReduced flinch when shot.All weapons.
MeleeFaster melee.Submachine guns.
StabilityReduced sway.All weapons.
ImpactBetter bullet penetration through walls .All weapons.
SpeedFaster movement with weapon equipped.Lightmachine Guns and Sniper Rifles.
DamageShells do more damage.Shotguns.
BreathHold breath while aiming down the sights.All weapons (snipers have in stock).

Strike Chain:

The Strike Chain system in Call ofDuty: Modern Warfare 3 replaces the Killstreak system used from Callof Duty 4. When the player achieves a certain amount of points without dying (a pointstreak), bonuses are gained.

The Strike Chain rewards are divided into three different Strike Packages, with players being rewarded with different equipment, support or perks, depending on which Strike Package is selected.

The three Strike Packages are Assault,Support and Specialist, with Support being the only package that continues the Strike Chain through death, and Specialist exclusively dealing with additional perks. As in previous games, only three rewards can be selected at once.

Assault Strike Package:




3UAVShows enemies on the minimap.
4Care PackageAirdrop a random point streak or ammo.
5IMSThe Intelligent Munitions System detects and eliminates enemy combatants.
5Predator MissileRemote control Missile.
5Sentry GunAirdrop a placeable Sentry Gun.
6Precision AirstrikeCall in a directional airstrike.
7Attack HelicopterCall in an Attack Helicopter.
9Strafe RunStrafing Run of 5 Attack Helicopters on a designated point.
9Little Bird GuardGet personal air support from a Little Bird Guardian.
9ReaperLaser missile targets remotely from the Reaper UAV.
10Assault DroneAirdrop an Assault Drone.
12AC130Be the gunner of an AC130.
12Pave LowLarge, heavily armored assault helicopter.
15JuggernautReceive advanced armor via carepackage.
17Osprey GunnerBe the gunner of a V-22 Osprey.

Support Strike Package:




4UAVShows enemies on the minimap.
5Counter UAVJam the enemy radar.
5Ballistic VestsDeploy a bag of Ballistic Vests for your team. Lasts for short time, increasing overall health.
5Airdrop TrapKill enemies with a booby-trapped airdrop crate.
8SAM TurretAutomated SAM turret that destroys aerial killstreaks.
10Recon DroneControl a Recon Drone, targeting enemies for your team.
12Advanced UAVCall in an Orbital Recon that shows the direction your enemy is facing. Sweeps like a UAV.
12Remote TurretToss a small turret and remotely control it.
14Stealth BomberAirstrike undetectable on enemy maps.
18EMPTemporarily disables enemy electronics.
18Juggernaut ReconReceive advanced armor via care package. Riot Shield and USP .45.
18Escort AirdropCall in a V-22 Osprey to drop and protect 4 care packages.

Specialist Strike Package:

The Specialist Strike Chain rewards are locked at Point Streaks of two, four, six, and eight. At two, four and six a player using the Specialist Strike Chain is granted an additional Perk. Once the player gets a Point Streak of eight they are given every Perk in the game. All Perks obtained through the Strike Chain are lost upon death and must be re-earned.





4JuicedMove faster for few seconds after spawning.
4Final StandYou can shoot with your primary weapon when downed. You can also move around and can get up after you survive enough.
4MartyrdomDrop live grenade in ground after you die.
5RevengeYou'll see the position of the last enemy that killed you.
5Hollow PointsExtra bullet damage, ends after enemy is killed.
6Dead Man's HandGo to last stand with C4.

General Information:

  1. Each prestige has 80 levels, ammount of prestiges is unknown. 
  2. You can now customize your weapons and class with Weapon Proficiens.
  3. You have to choose your Pointstreaks from one of the three Strike Package choices.
  4. New gametypes! (Kill Confirmed and Team Defender
  5. Pointstreaks reset after obtaining the third pointstreak reward.
  6. Modern Warfare 3 will have 20 DLC pieces delivered over a 9 month period.
  7. The game will support new feature called Elite:
  8. Titles and Emblems will be like in MW2.
  9. Spec Ops mode is improved with new Survival Mode, Survival mapswill bve same as multiplayer.
  10. There are total of 16 stock multiplayer maps.
  11. Players can scroll their pointstreak rewards.
  12. New addition of Prestige Shop.
  13. Modern Warfare 3 will have updated Theater Mode.
  14. There is no Call of Duty currency systeam.
  15. Camoflagues can be added to secondary weapons.
  16. There is no info if 3D mode will return
  17. PC has Dedicated Servers and will use steamworks.
  18. Wii version is developed by Treyarch.
  19. There is dedicated team to handle hacker/booster reports.

 New Game Type

Kill Confirmed -  is an all new gametype which will see players killing enemies and then having to run over them to pick up a set of dogtags to confirm the kill and score points for your team. while you are doing this, the enemy team will try to collect the dogtags first to prevent you from confirming the kill.

Team Defender - is the other new gametype. in this mode players will grab a flag (like capture the flag) and then protect the flag carrier in order to gain points for their team.

In addition to these 2 new modes, a variety of modes exclusive to private match have been introduced.

Infection - Sees one player starting out as the infected and killing the other players until no one is left. when you are killed you join the infected team to help hunt down the survivors.

Drop Zone - Sees one team holding a Drop Zone from the other team in order to secure Team Points and Care Packages from their team

Team Juggernaut - Sees a Juggernaut joing your team and with his help you must kill all the enemy team who also have a Juggernaut. First to reach the score limit wins

Juggernaut - Sees you trying to kill the Juggernaut so that you can become the new Juggernaut and then you have to survive against the other players trying to kill you

Gun Game - Sees the player in a race to see who can be the first to dominate with every gun

One in The Changer - Sees you gaining ammo by killing the enemy player. The last player alive wins

Private matches have also been enhanced, allowing players to create even more gametypes than the ones listed above, and then share them with their friends.

In addition to this, Players who are subscribed to Call of Duty Elite will be able to vote on these player created modes and some of them could turn into Pubic Playlists


Spetsnaz vs SAS (in Arkaden)
Spetsnaz vs Delta Force (in Dome)
Spetsnaz vs GIGN (in Resistance)
Inner Circle vs SAS (in Underground)
Africa Militia vs PMC (in Village)

Single Player only:

French Armed Forces
Bundeswehr (German military)


-Shopping mall in Germany.

-Derelict Cold War era desert radar command bunker.

-London Underground station at surface.

-African village in a jungle

-Urban map located in Paris.



- Unknown



-Urban  map located in London. (speculation)

Level Unlocks:



1Default Classes, M67 Grenade, Flash Grenade
4M16 Assault Rifle, L86 LSW Light-machine Gun
10Scar-L Assault Rifle
14FMG9 Machine Pistol
23UMP45 Sub-machine Gun, KSG 12 Shotgun
26MP5 Sub-machine Gun
32Type 95 Assault Rifle, Final Stand Deathstreak
36Skorpion Machine Pistol
37Bouncing Betty
38P90 Sub-machine Gun
39Scavenger perk
40FIM-92 Stinger AA-launcher
42G36C Assault Rifle
44RSASS Sniper Rifle
45Trophy System
46.44 Magnum Handgun
47Overkill perk
50ACR 6.8 Assault Rifle
51Martyrdom Deathstreak
52XM25 air-burst Grenade launcher
54MK46 Light-machine Gun
55Dead Silence Perk
56PM-9 Sub-machine Gun
57Dead Man's Hand Deathstreak
58Five seven Handgun
60MK14 Assault Rifle
61Tactical Insertion
62Model 1887 Shotgun
64M320 GLM Grenade launcher
66MSR Sniper Rifle
68AK-47 Assault Rifle
70G18 Machine Pistols
71Hollow Points Deathstreak
72M60E4 Light-machine Gun
74MP7 Sub-machine Gun
76Desert Eagle Handgun
77Portable Radar
80RPG-7 Rocket launcher, Prestige Mode

Monday, 31 October 2011

Modern Warfare 3 Maps

Hey guys, here are the map layouts for MW3 Muliplay maps. Which maps are you looking forward to? The Interchange map looks like its goona be real fun. By the looks of things Outpost is the Biggest map and the smallest goes to Dome maybe?

Saturday, 29 October 2011

10 Days Till Launch

10 days left until Modern Warfare 3 is launched and i cant wait. Every Single COD I've played I've always started off by playing the single player before going online, but i think this time will be different. I am just so excited to try the multiplayer with all its new features and improvements.

Its the little things they did to improve the game. Assigning Point Streaks to a single class, and being able to scroll threw your kill streaks to pick which to use. Ive wanted this so much and now its here in MW3. The weapon profecencies will allow you to improve weapons, the one thing im worried about is the mele profecencie for the sub machine guns that allows you to quick knife. I hope this doesnt turn into a commando type thing.

Last thing I want to share is the new Point Streak system. Adding in the strike packages will definatly change the game.You got your standard Modern Warfare kill streaks in the Assualt class.The one Pointstreak i want to see in action is Little Big Guard, how well will this helicopter follow you and kill enemys, and what happens when you die. The support class will be great, i no many people will be using this. Nothing better then always having a constant uav up. The great thing is the points dont reset upon death. Finally you got the specialist. every 2 kills you unlock a new perk and once you get to 8 you get all the perks in the game. I wonder how much of an advantage this will give players, will all those perks really improve your play without any physical point streaks to use.

well that is it for now, if anything new comes up i will be sure to post it right away

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Modern Warfare 3 - Search and Destroy Class

Hey guys made a quick video on what i think a good class will be for search and destroy in modern warfare 3.